"It's gotta have four seasons" - something we said a lot a year ago in Muscat as we were looking at possibilities for our next post. With the first frost earlier this week, I think we've officially moved into our second season here in Prague! As with anything cold that's not in a freezer (
or in a super-cooled indoor ski park), frost on the grass outside was a real novelty for Jad and Danna. So much so that they reacted in record time - pulling on boots, hats and coats and rushing out to see this new thing before it melted away!
Our Fall here in Prague is definitely beginning to feel a bit wintry - in fact, the forecast for this weekend calls for scattered snow showers - something we're all looking forward to seeing! It certainly calls for a few more layers of clothing on the morning bike commute to work! Fortunately, thanks to the wonders of the Internet, I recently received a shipment of cold weather biking gear. Gussied up in gloves, polypropylene Long Johns, a long sleeve biking jersey, a rain coat, a wool hat under my helmet and set of black tights, I head out the door for my 25 minute ride to work each morning.

Cooler weather outside means even more fun inside - check out some of the new videos on the left side of our blog for dance moves, fancy headgear, wrestling Taytas, and more! (If you're getting the email update, head to our blog at
http://blog.rubesh.info or check our YouTube offerings directly at
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