When I first walked into our kitchen, for example, I had the odd feeling that something was missing. It soon hit me that I didn't see a refrigerator. After poking around a bit, I opened up what looked like a standard sized kitchen cabinet to discover the appliance I had been searching for - a tiny fridge and freezer (think dorm-sized mini-fridge) tucked behind a cabinet door. On our first shopping trip to a nearby grocer's, Erin bought the largest container of milk she could find for our growing tribe... a liter bottle (about 1 quart). Ditto the orange juice and packets of cheese, and lunchmeat (five slices). Fortunately, the Embassy staff, anticipating American-sized consumption, supplies each home with a standard American refrigerator in the garage... the fridge being about the size of your standard European car. Now we just have to find a wholesaler to fill it up!
Shopping in this part of the world seems to be much more of a daily routine - a stop by the local grocer after hopping off the bus on the way back from work. (Posting continued - click the link below to read on)

We're just a block from the International School of Prague, complete with tennis courts and playgrounds. Nebušice village is about 15 minutes away by foot (a couple minutes longer if four of the feet belong to Jad and Danna), and features a pub/restaurant, a grocery store, a church and a post office.
I'll be commuting into work on Tuesday for the first time in over two months - downtown Prague is reputed to be just a 30 minute ride away by a variety of public transport. Tuesday's also "D-Day" for Erin - the first day without Daddy and with three kids (and no maid or Mom to help out)... Yikes!
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