Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kindergarten Graduate

Last Thursday, our first official graduate came home! It seems like just yesterday that we sent "Big J" off to KG, Wall-e backpack firmly in hand. A year of letters, drawings, baking, recess, reading and new friends has just whizzed by, and Jad's now officially a "1st Grader!"

Jad's favorite part of Kindergarten? "The math - because I like math. Also I love math because it is really fun. My favorite class was all of the classes. Almost all of the people in my class were my best friends"

In other words, he's had a great first year and has done well, despite being uprooted for a three-month exile to Oklahoma mid year. Jad's actually reading - something I don't think I was doing at the end of Kindergarten... and before long, he'll be able to read himself the Asterix and Obelix books he loves!

Reading a book

A plant-growing project

Counting beans

With buddies Ray and Ken (and assistant Danna) during a baking project

So now - off to 60 days of summer vacation, and then Danna starts up in the fall!

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